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Working Package 1





WP1 contains all activities related to the general management and coordination of the project.

It involves monitoring and evaluation of key steps of implementation as an integral part of the project methodology that will help measure the progress and provide qualitative inputs for improving the implementation. Monitoring includes Progress Meetings with the participation of all partners after important project milestones, progress records, interim and Final reports to EC.

WP1 Deliverables

Kick-off meeting records

The Project’s kick off meeting took place on November 29, 2018.

Progress meetings records

3 Progress Meetings will be organized on months 6, 12 and 18, to assure the quality of project deliverables, analyze potential risks that may arise, establish contingency plans and mechanisms, facilitate efficient and effective communication and information-sharing among participants, etc.

Concluding meeting records

Records of the Concluding Meeting (month 22) will review and assess the overall implementation of the project, discuss the reporting procedure, and outline follow-up activities for ensuring sustainability of project results beyond the project financing cycle.

Progress Report to the EC

In compliance with the Grant Agreement there will be a Progress Report to the EC due in month 13.

External Evaluation Report

The report of an experienced policy impact evaluator appointed as an external expert with the task to develop a robust evidence base involving reliable evaluation and reporting procedures.