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On-line Pension Calculator

Welcome to the On-line Pension Calculator!

This app is designed to help you calculate your future pension roughly based on your current employment data and/or your estimates of your future employment.

By completing three fields, you can try different career and family life scenarios and assess the impact of your choices on your pension benefits so that you can make informed decisions today and make the right choices that will lead you tomorrow in higher pensions.

The On-line Pension Calculator is addressed to men and women and only takes into account the general pension eligibility and pension calculation rules and does not concern specific provisions for specific categories of insured persons. The assessment is based on the Law 4387/2016, it is indicative and under no circumstances is binding on the competent bodies for the award of pensions.


Τhe gender pension gap in Greece

Did you know that the gender pension gap in Greece is 28.4%, i.e. women get 28.4% lower pension than men on average? The lowest pension for women is mainly due to their choices during their working lives, especially those related to their withdrawal from employment or working part-time due to the assumption of the responsibility to raise the children and take care of the elderly members of the family. A major factor for career choices made by women is the lack of awareness of the impact these choices will have on their pensions.
Your national pension is reduced (less than 384 euros) due to not completing the statutory retirement age (67) and having less than 40 years of insurance or 12,000 days of insurance. In order to improve the amount of your national pension, you will need to stay in employment until completing 20 years of insurance, because your national pension is reduced by 2% if you have 19 years of insurance, by 4% if you have 18 years of insurance, 6% if you have 17 years, 8% if you have 16 years of insurance and by 10% if you have 15 years of insurance. If this is not possible, you may be able to purchase fictitious insurance years that will improve your national pension. Staying at work or purchasing fictitious insurance years will, at the same time, improve your cumulative annual retirement rate. 
Your national pension is reduced (less than € 384) due to not completing the minimum years of insurance (20 years) for a full national pension. In order to improve the amount of your national pension, you will need to stay in employment until completing 20 years of insurance, because your national pension is reduced by 2% if you have 19 years of insurance, by 4% if you have 18 years of insurance, 6% if you have 17 years, 8% if you have 16 years of insurance and by 10% if you have 15 years of insurance. If this is not possible, you may be able to purchase fictitious insurance years that will improve your national pension. Staying at work or purchasing fictitious insurance years will, at the same time, improve your cumulative annual retirement rate. 
If you consider the estimated amount of your pension to be low, this may be due to, a) the fact that your gross earnings average from 1/1/2002 until today is low, and/or, b) the fact that your insurance years are few, leading to a low cumulative annual retirement rate. It is noted that part-time or casual employment affects the amount of the contributory pension in terms of both retirement earnings and years of insurance.
In order to improve the amount of your contributory pension you need to stay in employment to increase your insurance years and thus increase your cumulative annual retirement rate. If this is not possible, you may be able to purchase fictitious insurance years.